Hi im Katy and today im going to tell you about what we did last week.

last week we learnt about, don’t believe everything you see on the internet.

ohh i also forgot to tell you that my DLO shows a MY fake animal species.


3 thoughts on “fake animal species!!!

  1. hi katy!!!! that rihno turtle looks so cool and goofy!!!! try to make the text more longer!!! and the picture more bigger!!! by ur pal dali

  2. Haaaaaa Its cool as very well done is it a tourtfanght? looks like it. I think you could make a elaghent mixed with a crokadile. see ya later, by Hudson.

  3. Hi Katy love your begabogar it reminds me of an elphant and a turtle. But next time add some more writing to it and extraordinary facts love it nga mihi.

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